North Kingston healthy streets feedback

March 28, 2024

For several years, residents of King’s Road, especially the stretch between Park Road and Queens Road, have voiced their concerns about the area's traffic conditions. Kingston Borough Council has actively engaged with the community to identify viable solutions, taking into account data gathered from the neighborhood. On June 6, 2023, the decision to initiate an Experimental Traffic Management Order (ETMO) was taken by the Kingston and North Kingston Neighbourhood Committee.

This decision was aimed at addressing road safety concerns, mitigating congestion, curbing speeding, reducing conflicts between vehicles and cyclists, minimizing through traffic, and enhancing overall road safety. The measures introduced include: Converting the section of King’s Road between Queens Road and Park Road into a one-way street towards Queens Road, while allowing cyclists to travel in both directions.
Implementing a one-way system on New Road towards Park Road, with cycling permitted only in the direction of vehicular flow.

Installing six speed humps—three on King’s Road and three on New Road—to reduce vehicle speeds.
Removing a parking space on Park Road to improve visibility for both drivers and cyclists at the bottom of New Road.

To view the full plan, including the outlined changes, visitors are encouraged to download the document from the "Related" section at the bottom of the council's webpage. Also available for download are traffic survey data from 2019 and 2022, with a commitment from the council to conduct an additional survey during the trial period. This will enable a comparison of traffic figures to assess the impact of the scheme on surrounding roads, aiding future decision-making processes. It's important to note that "PSL" in the data stands for Posted Speed Limit. The narrowness of both roads, which does not comfortably support two-way traffic, has led to conflicts among various road users. The trial scheme seeks to resolve this issue and enhance safety for drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, and visitors to Richmond Park. The ETMO trial is scheduled to start on January 29, 2024, and can last up to 18 months from the commencement date. The engagement and consultation process for the ETMO will also begin on the same date. Kingston Borough Council invites residents to share their views on any aspect of the scheme throughout the duration of the experimental traffic management order.

Feedback can be provided through the survey linked below, offering valuable insights into the community's daily experiences with the scheme and helping the council determine if adjustments are necessary during the trial's lifespan. Residents wishing to formally express support or objections to the scheme can do so by emailing, or by writing to the Traffic Order Section at Guildhall 2, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1EU, referencing ‘P335 – King’s Road and New Road’. The Neighbourhood Committee must consider any formal objections or comments in their decision-making process regarding the future of the scheme. For more information, please refer to the provided link.